Section: New Software and Platforms

Image processing library: Heimdali

Participants : Isabelle Herlin, Dominique Béréziat [UPMC] , David Froger [SED] .

The initial aim of the image processing library Heimdali was to develop a library based on standard and open source tools, and mostly dedicated to satellite acquisitions.

The leading idea of the library is to allow the following issues:

  • making easier the sharing and development of image assimilation softwares. For that purpose, the installation is easily achieved with the package manager Conda.

  • developing generic tools for image processing and image assimilation based on ITK (Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit http://www.itk.org ).

  • in reverse, providing tools to ITK and contribute to the ITK community.

The main components of Heimdali concern:

  • the pre/post processing of image sequences,

  • the image assimilation with numerical models,

  • the visualization of image sequences.

In 2015, additional functions were introduced in the library in order to allow more pre/post processing tools.